The Journey of The Heart – Part VI ( The Awakening Process – 1)

In relations to what deemed to be a bureaucracy even within one’s heart , shall be […]

The Journey of The Heart – Part V ( The KNOWING )

Here again , on my another day of writing . While sitting and staring at some […]

Journey Of The Heart – Part IV ( The Raging Heart )

Heheh … The title went out as fast as I wanted to write . But … […]

The Journey Of The Heart – Part III ( Through The Eyes Of Storm )

Aaa yes ! Movie I’ve been waiting to watch , ‘ Red Faction : Origins ‘ […]

Journey Of The Heart – Part II ( Initial Instincts )

BLACK coffee @ WHITE Coffee Morning , and as I sip my morning COLD black coffee […]

Melancholy Of A Soul

It’s wise to see something in a very wide perspective view rather then to hitch it […]

The Journey of The ‘ Heart ‘ (Part 1)

In our lifetime ,  there can never be a clear resolution to ‘ a ‘ problem […]