Happy Deepavali to all Hindus in Malaysia

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Truth Prevailed

Of all the things in this world… it has to be “Jealousy and Power Craze“. I […]

Countdown to D-Day

Yup!! The BIG Day’s around the corner. And as usual there’ll be more of the so-called […]

2009 Lotus Esprit Compact Coupe

2009 Lotus Esprit Compact Coupe: The Lotus Esprit has always been one of the odd super […]

The History of BMW (Pt 1)

Most of the contents within this blogs are extracts from Wikipedia and other BMW enthusiast websites […]

Self Indulgence…?… Realization or Self Rationalization?

Hi… Again we meet with HIS graciousness and with HIS might… To start off… We have […]

Brain Dead!

It’s one of those days I guess… when you’re staring the laptop’s screen with blankness… wishing […]

Starting Life Again – Your New Life

This is what I found through surfing and it’s really a beautiful writing about how we […]

Just Jotting My Perspective

Salam to blog readers.. Gee whizz… It’s been pretty slow of lately… and it’s been awhile […]