But WHY?

Been reading some of the news on few blogs and it scares the SHIT out of […]

The Rise of The People

It’s time… As the clock ticks closer towards the D-Day, PEOPLE of Malaysia are rising towards […]

CPPS Press Release: Allow Freedom of Assembly

It’s the best that I’ve heard so far… One Nation, One VOICE, HIDUP RAKYAT MALAYSIA!! PRESS […]

2 Sen’s Worth of Thought

I often wondered as I go to sleep at night… every night, HOW? WHEN? WHY? WHICH? […]

In Korea onboard Odin Explorer

In Korea onboard Odin Explorer Originally uploaded by noelafidz Missing the days of learning to be […]

Against The Odds

Looks like whatever that’s causing me the most pain is actually how I see this world […]

Back to Basics

We orginate, He creates, They communicate. When I’ve passed the segment in life wondering what’s next […]

Lovin’ It!

Here’s the crucial and the most wonderful part in life that we never missed out… Realizing […]

Holy Schmucks!! It’s Twilight Internet Zone

Is it just me??? This is beginning to get on my nerve!! 1st, there was this […]

It Is A Mind War

I gazed at the laptop’s screen… YUP!! It is true and true as it is! Someone’s […]