Crave Big Money

Time to start earning… wouldn’t you want to get started on your ‘Passive’ income that varies […]

Yeah! And They Called Me ‘Bruised’ Bruce…

Technorati Tags: politics,opinions,perspective It’s not that hard to translate a ‘scheming’ job or a ‘perpendicular’  conspiracy… […]

Even Animals Knows What Friendship Means

This is a touching scene. What the word ‘Friends’ really mean…. So, the next time you’d […]

1st January 2008 – The Tarot Card Today

The mark of a new leaf, the mark of a new beginning. The end of 2007 […]

Happy New Year Families, Friends & Foes

2008!! It’s HERE! It’s NOW!! And I have moved on!! Welcome 2008 and goodbye 2007… May […]

Moment of Truth or Moment of Truce

Such hostility in the entire world. Making everyone obsessed with ill-feelings and ill-thoughts. The deep desire […]

Tarot Card – Ace of Sword

It is truly intensifying at times to actually feel the beckoning of one’s despair. And as […]

Benazir… wasted…

When there was true leadership, the world despise them,When there weren’t fair treatment, people seek them,When […]