Missing The Sounds of Nature – The City of Bricks and Walls

The sounds of nature … Cool wind of the evening breeze by the seaside … The […]

Voicing Faith in Another – The Gift of a Positive Image

Again, this is a blog from Madisyn Taylor and am putting it here as it is […]

This is Purely ‘Copy & Paste’ Writings > Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships

This blog is written by : Rhonda Findling And I am re-sharing this because I know I […]

Journey of The Heart – Part IX (The Cold Space)

Well, I think, when things just gets out of hand, doesn’t mean that when you are […]

The Journey of The Heart – The Extraction Point.

Jumping from the previous post just to ensure this message would be sent across before I […]

Journey of the Heart – Part VIII (DE-liberation of ‘CHOICE’ vs. ‘OPTION’)

Oh Shenandoah … 🙂 … Sometimes being lame is better then to be blamed . Lots […]

Journey of the Heart – Part VIII (DE-liberation of ‘CHOICE’ vs. ‘OPTION’)

Oh Shenandoah … … Sometimes being lame is better then to be blamed . Lots of […]

Journey of The Heart – Part VII (The Awakening Process – 2)

Heard it over the radio about what matters more in our lives, ‘Money’ or ‘Love’ ? […]