Malaysia police move to foil opposition rally:

Extracts from Yahoo News Asia

“Malaysia police move to foil opposition rally KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) – Malaysian police stepped up security in the capital on Saturday, effectively shutting down the city centre to try to foil a banned opposition rally demanding changes to the electoral system, witnesses said. Hundreds of policemen, including riot police backed by water cannon, guarded the landmark Merdeka (Freedom) Square, where tens of thousands of protesters had intended to gather in one of the biggest anti-government rallies since 1998. ‘We will not hesitate to take action against those who defied our orders,’ news agency Bernama on Saturday quoted Kuala Lumpur police chief Zul Hasnan Najib as saying. The police have refused to grant a permit for the rally. Police mounted roadblocks along the main roads leading to the city centre and placed barricades near the square, checking on cars and turning away protesters, witnesses said. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who oversees the police, said on Friday the government would not tolerate street demonstrations. ‘They are challenging the patience of the people who want the country to be peaceful and stable. That is what they are challenging, not me,’ he said at his ruling party meeting.”

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