Hello again…

here i wanna talk about friends… my interpretations of ‘friends

friends r those who stays by ur side in times of trouble, not necessarily helping or assisting u with ur life… but a listener, a place where u can pour out ur darkest secrets, ur tormented n twisted stories of ur life etc etc etc…

but beware… ur secrets, ur tormented n twisted stories can n will b used against u when u’re least expected. heheheh… in my case, it’s not a friend, it’s a family member…

nevertheless, there’s always the turnaround situation… ‘what goes around, comes around’, or would u prefer in short term, ‘karma’ or whichever that makes u feel better understanding the situation.

i believe that there’s one force, one idea, one world… if it’s so hard for us to live with each other bcos’ of ideology, lifestyle or what not, might s well, we live in a remote place where we have only our own to attend to right…?

it’s all the same with politics in the end… friends n politics r but the same ideology…

there’s been a lot of changes that has gone throughout my entire 37 years of being alive and it’s close to my country’s independance day… which is next month, 31 august.

i would dedicate my life trying to understand the needs of others and to the comfort of others just to make sufre i live my life with a purpose. though sometimes it makes no sense at all… but that’s what’s life’s all about. you got to do it just bcos’ u’ve got to do it!

friends listen to u, 2 ur problems etc… so does the politicians… friends try to help u out when u’re in pain, so does the politicians who r ur ‘ADUN’ in your district or provinces…

friends kill u from the back when they feel agitated or somewhat distraught over ur actions or ur attitude… n so does the politicians…

now… my issue here is, why do u use ur friend’s weaknesses and ditched them out when they’ve started to believe that ur friend is a true friend and would do just about anything to have that friendship. what’s the idea of having friends… or politicians when they’re there to make ur life a lot worst then it is already…

i just don’t understand, n to my beloved ‘one of my family member’ that only live to see my heartache… here’s to u, “NOSTAROVIA!” to u!

it’s such a pity to see u that way till this age. my parents took u, fed u, gave u clothes 2 wear… in fact gave more attention then they do to me… n yet, u tried to break us apart with ur nonsense attitude and character.

my beloved family member… i wish u good health n good life, n may i never have to face u again after this… huh! i wish!

well, there goes my day… i would usually say…

thank u for being a family…


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