#wishes all #muslim around the #world Happy New Islamic Year! BaarakALLAHi walakum. AlhamduLILLAH. #salam #maalhijrah1439 #artismalaysia […]

#quotes ‘Hati-hati tentang hati. Jangan menyakiti dan jangan disakiti. Paling susah naik dibaiki. Hati.’ Sebagaimana ianya […]

#quotes Life is simple… When you’re faced with anyone who doesn’t bother about your existence… Question […]

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hasnol (@hasnol) on Sep 14, 2017 at […]

//www.instagram.com/p/BZBpLm_lvtW #says AlhamduLILLAH. Meet up! ✊✊✌✌👌😎😊☺ #lifechanging #event #artismalaysia #proud #malaysian #artiste #artist #creative #writersofmalaysia #peace […]

#quote ‘People don’t only use you for the money. They also use you for your kindness.’ […]

#quotes ‘The remedy and solution To every problem is… calmness. For without it, you’ll only decide […]

#says Smile… cos that’s the best medicine you can give out… and that’s my son! All […]

#hasnol #says ‘Life’s just that. You fall, you get up… you try again. Learn to dust […]

#says Love that view! 😊😊😊❤🤗👍 #instaphoto #instamoment #creative #selfie #shot #note5 #cymera #artismalaysia #proud #malaysian #artiste […]