//www.instagram.com/p/BVSjZeKFPzs #hasnol #quotes ‘There are only 2 options you see in life. What works with you… […]

#hasnol #wishes all #muslim Salam Nuzul Al-Quran. AlhamduLILLAH. ‘Jangan riak dengan harta-benda dunia… kejap je kalau […]

#hasnol #says Insya’ALLAH… lepas raya nanti. This is where I’ll be. Shariena Music Academy. AlhamduLILLAH. Terima […]

#hasnol #says Thank you ALLAH for your kindness. BaarakALLAHi walakum. AlhamduLILLAH. Now… back to work! 😁 […]

#hasnol #quotes ‘Someday, we will all see, That whatever road we take, Will always come back […]

#hasnol #quotes on #relationships ‘Setia itu MAHAL harganya. Jujur itu TINGGI nilainya. Dan kita tidak boleh […]

#hasnol #says #repost Thank you Mr @dazrin88 and @mrsdazrin . Thank you to the good crew […]

#hasnol #says Insya’ALLAH… 18 days to go. May ALLAH bless everyone with patience and strength. A […]

#hasnol #quotes ‘Mulut ada, untuk cakap yang benar. Telinga ada, untuk dengar yang benar. Akal ada, […]

#hasnol #quotes ‘Loyalty is just too expensive and it doesn’t come from cheap and unethical people.’ […]